“The road ahead was dusky with poor visibility. The vines of a blackberry wriggled here and there, something that resembled a fireweed was in bloom. There it was, a Paris plant hiding in the shadows from the leaves of a bushwood with all of its peace.”
On January 16th, the Academic Library of Tallinn University will host the opening of painter Kati Müüripeal’s first extensive solo exhibition. The works presented within the exhibition have been created in 2020–2025 using mainly oil paints.
The works express a unique visual language of the artist that can be described as abstract, disunited with the focus on details and dialogue between specific color combinations. The artist is intrigued by the color blue and its occurrence within different cultures. Inspiration for works have been greatly derived by the nature surrounding the artist birth home. The Paris plant, the autumn smog, “Generation P” by Viktor pelevin (1999), “The Nightingale and the Rose” by O. Wilde (1888) and the time spent in Abisko within KUNO programme have been the main influence on the artists work so far.
The artist has graduated her bachelors programme in Faculty of Fine Arts and Master of Contemporary Arts (cum laude) at Estonian Academy of Arts.
Location: Rävala pst 10, 15042 Tallinn, 1st-floor gallery | Opening: 16.01.2025 from 6 PM | Open for visit: 17.01.–07.03.2025 | Curator: Liisi Kõuhkna | Sponsor: Punch Drinks Eesti