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A research tool that allows you to search multiple databases at once, covering almost all of our library-subscribed collections, as well as many open access resources. Check the Full Text box in order to limit results to full text content. Limiters in the left column of the result list allow you to refine your search. The Content Provider facet lists the databases that the results were retrieved from. Discovery Service does not include ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Check the availability of e-journals and e-books in our library. Publications can be searched by title, keyword or author.
Registered library users, who do not have a TLU user account, can access the EBSCOhost databases with an EBSCOhost User ID. Please ask for the required username and password by writing to erialainfo@tlulib.ee.
Peer-reviewed journals from AIP Publishing that cover all areas of the physical sciences, includes open access titles.
A collection of critical reviews that cover a broad range of disciplines and provide an overview of recent developments in specific subject areas, written by experts in their respective fields. The journals are among the highest ranked in their subject categories.
Peer-reviewed academic journals published by Cambridge University Press that cover subjects across the humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine
The e-book database from Proquest covers all academic disciplines, providing a wide variety of scholarly literature from leading publishers. The largest e-book database in our selection.
EBSCOhost offers a variety of databases from leading information providers. You can search within a single database or across multiple databases at a once. In addition to full text content, the databases offer indexing and abstracts. Where applicable, check the Full Text box in order to limit results to full text content.
A scholarly database that offers full text coverage in many areas of academic study. In addition to thousands of journals, the database provides indexing and abstracts, as well as monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc
A source for patient drug information published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, available in both English and Spanish.
Full text, peer-reviewed scientific articles in psychology and behavioural sciences published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals. Nearly all APA journals date back to the first issue.
Database includes peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business as well as case studies, country economic reports and company profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts.
Offers content from journals in communication and mass media, as well as related disciplines. Provides full-text, indexing and abstracts for many top communication journals. The database contains a Communication Thesaurus
A multidisciplinary e-book database containing monographs, reference works, biographies, fiction, etc. Unlimited simultaneous user access is available for most of the titles. Books can be read online or downloaded in full or by chapter.
Provides access to indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Content includes journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations, etc. Search results can be limited by education level (e.g. early childhood education) as well as by the intended audience (e.g. counsellors or teachers).
The bibliographic database is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. Subjects include European exploration, portrayals of Native American peoples, British colonies, commerce, etc.
A collection of scholarly and general-interest titles covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Subjects include global warming, pollution, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts, as well as open access full text articles.
Consumer health information on many topics including the medical sciences, nutrition, sports medicine, general health, etc. Provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books, as well as some academic journals.
Full text scholarly journals focusing on nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, and more. The database also features AHFS Consumer Medication Information.
Designed specifically for public libraries, the database provides full text magazines that cover areas of general interest. In addition to periodicals, the collection includes reference books, primary source documents and an image collection. The database is updated daily
Full text coverage for regional business publications, mainly newspapers and magazines, within the United States and Canadian provinces. Content is provided by leading publishers in business news, including The Washington Post, Crain Communications, and others.
A comprehensive source of full text sports & sports medicine journals. Subjects covered include nutrition, physical therapy, occupational health, exercise physiology and kinesiology.
Provides indexing and abstracts for peer-reviewed teacher and administrator journals, as well as magazines, to assist professional educators and researchers. Topics include current pedagogical research, teacher education, assessment, best practices, continuing education, etc.
E-journals and e-books from Emerald Publishing, one of the world’s leading digital-first publishers. Subject coverage includes business, management, organisation studies, social sciences, library and information sciences, computing, engineering, etc.
The Encyclopaedia sets out the present state of our knowledge of the Islamic World. It is a unique and invaluable reference tool, an essential key to understanding the world of Islam, and the authoritative source not only for the religion but also for the believers and the countries in which they live.
An extensive legal research and government document database. Contains a large collection of journals on a variety of law-related subjects. All journals date back to inception. The database also offers comprehensive coverage of United States government publications, case law, international resources, collections of classic treaties and all of the world’s constitutions. Search a single database or across multiple collections simultaneously.
A growing collection of bibliographic records from major European and North American research libraries covering materials printed in Europe during the hand-press period, c. 1455–c. 1830. A valuable source for librarians and researchers interested in the history of printing and the history of the book.
Scientific and technical content published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and its publishing partners. Full-text documents in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics, including journals, conference papers, technical standards and books.
High impact journals published by the Institute of Physics and their partners, covering physics and related fields, including engineering, materials science and environmental science.
Archive collections of academic journals in social sciences, humanities and natural sciences. Journals date back to the first issue. The majority of journals have a Moving Wall delay of 3 to 5 years, which means that the more recent issues are not available.
A language resource that contains nearly 30 online dictionaries. Users can search within a single dictionary or across multiple dictionaries at a once. Includes Estonian-English and English-Estonian dictionaries, Estonian-Russian dictionaries, Dictionary of Standard Estonian, Explanatory Dictionary of the Estonian Language, among several others.
A bibliographic database created by the American Mathematical Society. Continuing in the tradition of the paper publication, Mathematical Reviews, the database provides expert reviews of current published literature, covering all areas of pure and applied mathematics. References are included for journal articles, books and conference proceedings, with some links to full text material.
The world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. The weekly journal publishes peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology. Nature also provides news and interpretation of coming trends affecting science and the wider public.
Art reference works published by Oxford University Press. The regularly updated Grove Dictionary of Art contains entries on artists and all aspects of the visual arts, as well as thousands of images. Other highly acclaimed art reference works included in the database are the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms.
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) contains over 500,000 English words and phrases, covering their meanings, history, and usage. Each entry includes the word’s definition, its evolution over time, and examples in various quotations. The dictionary is updated four times a year.
The collection offers access to high quality online journals published by Oxford University Press. Subjects include social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, science and mathematics.
Music reference works published by Oxford University Press. The frequently updated Grove Music Online is the world’s premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music and musicians, as well as images and musical examples. Other music reference works included in the database are The Oxford Dictionary of Music ja The Oxford Companion to Music
Archive database of the American Physical Society, with coverage from the first volume of each journal, the oldest dating back to 1893
A vast database that provides full text, abstracts and indexing for dissertations and masters’ theses from most North American universities, as well as a growing collection of works from European and Asian universities.
Encompassing topics including digital media, art and design research, popular culture, journalism studies, communication history and beyond. They offer a comprehensive portrait of the main themes, topics, thinkers, and issues in communication, media, and culture.
Handbooks provide detailed linguistic analysis and description of the world’s most important language families. The contents cover the natural system of classification: phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, semantics, dialectology, and sociolinguistics.
Routledge Politics Handbooks showcase the best in cutting-edge research across the entire subject area from established sub-disciplines to emerging areas. The titles within international relations address all the main sub fields from IPE to international law.
Routledge Sociology handbooks are prestige reference works providing an overview of a whole subject area or sub-discipline. The books benefit from teams of contributors which reflect an international range of perspectives.
A multidisciplinary database that includes international, peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of scholarly and professional societies. Subject areas include business, humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine. Full text access goes back to 1999 for most titles.
A research methodology database that contains books, reference works, case studies and journal articles by world-leading academics from across the social sciences. The Methods Map tool helps you explore key terminology and understand the relationships between method concepts.The Project Planner feature offers a step-by-step guide to planning and designing a research project. Setting up a user profile allows you to create reading lists and save searches.
The peer-reviewed weekly academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that provides cutting-edge original research and research reviews, covering a wide range of scientific disciplines. Includes full text of current issues, as well as archives dating back to 1880.
Full-text access to nearly all peer-reviewed journals published by Elsevier in physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities, as well as indexing and abstracts for journals from other publishers. Includes open access content.
An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, curated by independent subject matter experts. Analytical tools help users visualize, compare and export data to evaluate research output and trends.
The book series from Springer Nature, including its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, publishes new developments in computer science and information technology research and teaching.
Peer-reviewed journals covering a variety of topics in science, technology, medicine and social sciences through thousands of titles specific to their disciplines including the Springer, Palgrave Macmillan and Adis imprints. Contains open access titles.
Access to high-impact journals published on behalf of leading societies, spanning across a broad range of academic disciplines. Title list: https://librarianresources.taylorandfrancis.com/collection/social-science-humanities-library/
A multidisciplinary platform including several citation databases that help you find, analyze and share research information.
Databases open to TLU:
The Web of Science Core Collection consists of multiple online databases and is a trusted citation index for scientific research.
KCI-Korean Journal Database contains bibliographic information for scholarly literature published in Korea.
MEDLINE® is the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database that contains references to journal articles in life sciences.
SciELO Citation Index covers scholarly literature in sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities published in open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain, and South Africa.
Russian Science Citation Index is a research information database that covers leading Russian publications in science, technology, medicine, and education.
Journal Citation Reports provides citation information on academic journals, including impact factors
Access to Wiley Journal Collection that covers life, health and physical sciences, social science and the humanities, with content dating back to 1997. Includes open access titles: https://authorservices.wiley.com/open-research/open-access/browse-journals.html
A business reference source compiled by experts. The platform also offers downloadable document templates and samples. Most of the content is in Estonian, with one reference collection on employment relations available in Russian. Press Logi sisse in the top-right corner of the page to access the content.
A business reference source compiled by experts. The platform also offers downloadable document templates and samples. Most of the content is in Estonian, with one reference collection on employment relations available in Russian. Press Logi sisse in the top-right corner of the page to access the content.