Research Library: Mon, Thu 12–19, Tue, Wed, Fri 10–17 | Study Centre: Mon–Sun 9–21, service desk Mon–Fri 9.30–16.30
Research Library: Mon, Thu 12–19, Tue, Wed, Fri 10–17
Study Centre: Mon–Sun 9–21, service desk Mon–Fri 9.30–16.30

Invitation to the book presentation!

We warmly invite you to the presentation of Dina Gavrilova’s new children’s book, “Пуся Югорская и её друзья”, also known as “Suur jalutuskäik Eestis”!

📅 When? 18th February at 15:00
📍 Where? TLÜ Academic Library (Rävala pst 10, Uno seminar room)

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet the author, engage in an exciting discussion, and get to know the book’s characters! The idea and illustrations come from Aleksandr Grigorenko, whose inspiration led to this sequel to the popular “Пуся Югорская” story.

💬 What to expect?
✨ A captivating conversation with Dina Gavrilova
📖 A glimpse into the world of the book
❓ A chance to ask the author questions
✍️ The opportunity to purchase a signed copy of the book

Additionally, we will meet:

  • Nelli Meltziga, Director of Aleksandra publishing
  • Ljudmila Jelanskajaga, Editor of the first book Путешествие Пуси Югорской из Сибири в Эстонию
  • Anne Rometiga, Translator of the book “Pusja uus elu Eestis”

You will also have the opportunity to explore illustrations by the talented artist Sirli Oder (art exhibition).

Additionally, you can watch a video clip (an excerpt from the book) about the life of the cats in Muuga.

The discussion will be held in Russian, moderated by Jelena Larina.

Don’t miss this chance – come and spend an inspiring afternoon with us!

Пуся Югорская и её друзья is a fairy tale for children and parents, and an exciting sequel to Путешествие Пуси Югорской из Сибири в Эстонию: аллегорическая сказка для взрослых, known in Estonian as Pusja uus elu Eestis. In this new book, inspired by her beloved furry companions, the author continues to explore the theme of feline friendship, creating engaging stories that will resonate with both old and new readers, as the adventure unfolds in various locations across Estonia.