From Monday, October 4 the late night study room at the Research Library (Rävala avenue 10) is open again. At first on Mon–Fri 18–22, Sat 15–18, Sun 11–18.
The late night study room is mainly meant for students, professors and Tallinn University staff for studying and research. You can use the materials on the shelves as well as your own materials, computers and online databases. Items from the stacks can only be used if you order them through the online catalogue ESTER while the rest of the library is open. On the reading room shelves you can find new and popular literature in social sciences, humanities and educational sciences, as well as related reference works and journals. Books on the shelves can be borrowed using the self-service machine.
You must use your registered ID card to enter through the door fitted with an ID card reader (next to the main door).