A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a sequence of numbers, letters, and symbols used to permanently and uniquely identify and link articles, documents, data, and other resources online. While a web address (URL) may change over time, a DOI remains constant, ensuring a stable link.
As a member of the DataCite Estonia Consortium, Tallinn University holds the right to assign DOIs to research data and publications.
Research data are stored in the DataDOI repository. More information can be found here: https://www.tlu.ee/koostookokkulepe-tu-raamatukoguga-datadoi-repositooriumi-kasutamiseks
To request a DOI for publications, please contact the designated contact person: hendrik.saadi@tlulib.ee.
Required information for DOI registration includes:
- Author(s) (researchers and/or organisations, in order of importance, with author affiliation)
- Title
- Year of publication
- Keywords
- Alternative or related identifiers (e.g., a DOI for the dataset related to the publication)
- Funding (grants, foundations, financial support)
Publications with DOIs are made publicly accessible in the e-library, ETERA.