The main service of the Digitization Center is the digitization of documents, as well as archiving access copies, the long-term preservation of legal deposit copies and making digital files available through the digital archive. TLU Academic Library has the right to refuse making copies in case the process may damage the original.
Phone: +372 665 9455
Find the price list of the services HERE.
We scan all the materials in color, with the resolution of 400DPI, 24bit. The pictures are in TIFF format. For postprocessing we use the OCR (Optical character recognition) software from CCS called DocWorks. The end result is a searchable PDF file.
By special request we are able to produce up to 600 DPI images on the bigger scanners DL3003, DL-Mini and DL sVp. The tabletop scanners Epson Perfection V850 Pro and Epson DS-60000 can produce images up to 2400 DPI.
4DigitalBooks DL3003
Fully automatic robot scanner which allows to scan materials up to A2 format in size.
4DigitalBooks DL-Mini
Fully automatic smaller robot scanner which allows to scan materials up to A3 format in size. The special feature of the machine is its mobility, allowing transportation if needed.
4DigitalBooks sVp (V-shaped scanner)
Half automatic scanner which allows to scan materials up to A3 format in size. The special feature allows to scan books that do not open 180 degrees. Great for old/rare materials.
Epson Perfection V850 Pro
Tabletop scanner which allows to scan materials up to A4 format in size. Great for scanning photos, postcards and smaller materials. The special feature allows to scan images in 48 bit.
Epson DS-60000
Tabletop scanner which allows to scan materials up to A3 format in size. The special feature of this machine allows to scan loose/unbound pages up to A3 format in size automatically. Both single or double sided.